Incoming: Chaos

I’m looking for little pockets of peace,

In this chaos that keeps coming towards me,

Like the waves of an ocean,

Crashing one after another,

Like I’m a boat.

Not waiting to check,

If I’m still floating,

But, just pulling me,

Further from where I want to be.

Somewhere peaceful,

Somewhere with answers,

Somewhere without all the chaos.

Silent Evenings

On such silent evenings,

When only the breeze whispers,

Stories in my ears,

From places far and wide,

I wish you were by my side,

As I translate them for you,

While we smile knowing something,

The rest of the world isn’t aware of.

Safe Sky

It’s safe,

Under the sky,

Which brings us all together,


Uniting us apart,

Making us strong,


So even if you’re apart,

We are connected,

With the same blue,

Over me,

Over you.

Lovable World

Storms might be on your way,

Or the calm waves of the sea,

Strangers on known routes,

In a life,

Busy as a bee.

Find peace in the sea,

Tame the wild winds,

Smile at strangers a little,

Make the world lovable.


You were like the breath of fresh air filling my lungs when I was choking with the smoke of unhappiness.

You were like the drug which a patient on a life support requires to live his life normally again.

You were like the catalyst which speeds up the reaction of the reactants in a chemical reaction.

You were like the value of “x” which a maths problem asks you to find on numerous occasions.

You were everything which is required to complete basic daily tasks in the most conventional way possible.

Read a previous poem here.


There are some days when you just want to cuddle in your favorite blanket, eat good food, watch a cricket match and do absolutely nothing.

There are some days when you’re just tired to try to make other people happy and you need time just for yourself; to calm your demons down, to bring peace to them, to silence the chaotic thoughts and to just not care about anything at all.

There are some days when you just want to disappear into mist or become the raindrops which fall in the vast ocean to be immortal forever. You want the sound of the world to drown into it’s vastness. Every thing to seep into the ocean floor. Only if this was possible. Only if anyone could understand why. 

Sometimes peace is not what you want, sometimes you need everything to be peaceful.


Be as peaceful as the ocean is. 
Listen to the sounds except your own voice and you’ll realize that there is so much in the world which you don’t see, feel, listen and think about.

Try shutting your mouth for a while and stay peaceful with your thoughts. Feel the difference in yourself then.

P.S.: I didn’t want this blog to be this way. Damn the slow internet connection. 

The Night

I like nights when everyone has gone to sleep or everyone is just enjoy the silence like me.

All the thoughts which seem like a flee market in your head finally agree to have a parade and descend into consciousness in a well ordered manner.

The thinking and decision making which seems like a major crisis in the day time, finally seems like an addition sum from 1st grade.

The heart beats in a silent rhythm, the brain cools down and the mind starts processing faster generating ideas which could be world famous!

Sleep subsides everything but creativity at night time.

That is why you’ll find that one person awake at wee hours who’s dreaming with his eyes open.